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- rolls around. However quite a few have hone lately, and the number ' should increase, when the Canadians come out of the line. If a year has elapsed since my last leave. I’ll be in line for a trie to Italy.
It will be a little more expensive than Drench leave, but the chance will never come my way again, so if possible I’ll head for there.
Still worrying over food question eh? Why, shew, we get all we want to eat over here. Plenty of green stuff this summer too,due to our gardening efforts last spring. We had cabbage for dinner yesterday, supplied from the Cores Gardens planted around Vimy. Bread is plentiful, lots of fresh meat, spuds nearly every day, so I fail to see where we are starving. If you have a ton of coal handy though, you might send it over, for cresent indications point to a damnably cold and unpleasant winter ahead of us owing to the coal shortage.
That idea of yours re not renting the house at Cordova Bay next summer was fine, and if I should chance to be home by then, a. couple of months sojourn out there would be right in my line.Will let you know later on whether I’ll be there. Depends a great deal on how
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I guess v;ere anxious to hang around a while longer.
I wrote you from Bo 13 Con. Camp- two letters in fact, so haven’t anything more to say on that subject. I had a good time there though, for there was a fine bunch of boys in my hut, and we weren’t bothered a great deal with parades etc.
Trouville and rea.uville are two very pretty little towns separated from one another by a canal, Deauville is the classier district of the two, its shopping district being very chio, all the stores being branches of Parisian firms.. They employ hanging baskets and window boxes of flowers largely in their scheme of decoration, the streets being really beautiful. I have a few post cards which I bought down there inmy pack. Will send them along under separate cover?
Put in two weeks at the con camp, then scent an extremely miserable night in a boxcar en route to Staples, the Canadian base.
Y«hile there I took a jaunt over to Pans«Plage, a pleasure resort about five kilos away. It is a nice place, but hardly up to Trouville or Deauville. Hit Etaples on a Monday and left the following Tuesday, a week later- for uc the line. Oh yes, I nearly forgot. We stayed in Rouen all day Sunday, and I was lucky enough to get a pass from 10 to 1., so I saw quite a lot of. the city. The cathedral is a beautiful piece of work, both outside and in. Y/ouldn’t mind being stationed in that town for duration. And that brings me back to the unit once more.
Have been deluged with mail the past week. The day before I left Etaples no less than l8 letters came for me, all forwarded from Ho. 74. Arrived back at the unit in the morning to be handed six more. The mail that day increased my supply by three. The next day two more came, and yesterday I was swamped with three letters, 18 new sc seers, and 4 Posts. I can see some job ahead of me to catch up with my corres p ondence.
The question of leave is once again cropping up, though as far as I am concerned, it will probably be next year before my number