Transcript |
- June 25/42 [1942] Found letter at Williams
Lake P.O. [post office] saying Munro was back at
Forbes place, 122 Mile, a place we
passed yesterday. Phoned + spoke to Olive
Munro who advised us to return to
Lac la Hache to await good weather.
Drove back arriving in time for lunch with them.
Put up tent on campsite 1/2 mile west
of cabins. - Set out 24 traps along shore.
June 26 [1942] - Hiked with Munros to [illegible word]
Swamp, 2 miles from camp, about
3/4 mile from the lake.
Collected - 1 Zapus [jumping mice] , 4 Peromyscus [deer mice], 1 chipmunk
Set more traps along stream -
June 27th [1942] - Visted eagle nest near point
+ took movie of female flying into
nest + sitting on nest-tree.
Then hiked up the hill + photographed
nest of mosquito hawk [crane fly] in open glade.
In afternoon Munro visited camp and
helped skin.
Specimens - 1 Tohee [towhee] (in trap) 1 flicker, 2 Zapus [jumping mice],
2 microtus [vole], 3 chipmunks.
June 28th [1942]. In A.M. [morning] visited Forbes Point by canoe
+ boat. Found old loons nest + bad egg.
In P.M. [evening] seined on Forbes beach catching
many small kokanee, 1 Richardsonius [redside shiner] + 2 very
small ling [cod].
Stum [Stump?] Lake trip definitely postponed due to
impassable roads.