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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 10:26
Height: 5580
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Filename: 4760_pg_277.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T18:15:47.148Z
Original Checksum: 5fc2650a7f3b358396165a7ef1fef931
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Creator Transcript
  • Ensatina escholtzi [Ensatina eschscholtzii - complex of lungless salamanders] May 30 [date crossed out] 29/42 [1942] While at Smith Falls Hatchery Cultus Lake, Fred Martin told us of seeing a "lizard" near the chopping block. A cursory look disclosed nothing but at night by flash light one adult and 2 sub- adults were taken at this spot. The ground and surroundings were damp from rain during the day and 2 of the salamanders were found in the open, crawling on top of debris such as pieces of box wood, leaves etc. The third was found under a piece of wood. Rotting logs + thick underbrush was quite close to this spot. May 30 [1942] While descending Ascaphus Creek canyon from an Ascaphus hunt a fourth Ensatina [underlined] was found under a rotting log part way down the ravine. The tail construction is evident in both the larger specimens, probably due to their fat condition.
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