Japanese_Shinto_Shrine 5

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Tiffany Chan
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Filename: Japanese_Shinto_Shrine005.tif
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Creator Transcript
  • Foreword With the unveiling in the Japanese Garden in March 1987, of its new major acquisition, the shinto shrine, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria completed an ambitious undertaking, and added a significant work in the already internation�ally renowned collection of Japanese art. From the early years of the Art Gallery�s activities in the 1940�s, even prior to having a permanent home, the interest in developing strong cultural ties with the Pacific Rim were evident. With the first few months of operating an exhibition space, in an unused car show room, the Gallery committee pre�sented its first exhibition of Asian art, one of Oriental prints. With the move to its current site in 1951, the Gallery seriously began developing its permanent collection and had found a location which would eventually house the Japan�ese Garden.With the donation of her large and specialized Japanese art collection in the 1970�s Mrs. Isabel Pollard seta precedent which subsequently has been followed by many generous collectors, donors, and supporters. From the outset of its collection goals in Japanese art it was clear that the pieces to be part of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria�s holdings were to be both two dimensional and three dimensional, and include historical and contemporary expression. A broadly based collection, including paintings, prints, ceramics, lacquer works, mingei and the art of the Samurai form the foundation of many cultural ties between Japan and Canada. The suggestion to acquire the complete, beautifully carved and propor�tioned country Shinto Shrine from the turn of the century was ambitious and challenging. It was a friend and supporter of the Gallery�s Asian programmes, Mr. Les Wright who drew it to the attention of Curator Barry Till. With the Shrine in Japan, and the owner and vendor, Mr. Jeff Cline in Seattle, the negotiations for purchase and funding were long and complex. Many people were instru�mental in making the purchase, shipping and installation a reality and the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria pays tribute and appreciation to all. Mr. Cline followed and assisted in the project with great interest and we thank him most sincerely. To Consul General Katakura, at the time of the Japanese Consulate in Vancouver, go my personal thanks for his early support of the project, his endorsement and his advise in undertaking the purchase. The Honourable Grace McCarthy who at the outset of the project was Minister of the Provincial Secretary and Government Services too, showed a keen and early interest, which was continued by her successor the Honourable Hugh Curtis. With the announcement by the Honourable Hugh Curtis, and his colleague Attorney General Brian Smith, of the generous financial support from the British Columbia Lottery Fund, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria was able to finalize negotia�tions and arrange shipping details. Financial assistance was also forthcoming from the Asian Art Society of Victoria. In Japan, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria would like to thank Mr. Bunzo Nakanishi who provided valuable advice, and also all those who prepared the Shrine for international shipping. Appreciation in Canada goes to Westwood Shipping and particularly Mr. Bruce Hodgson, who made all the complex 3
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