Transcript |
- Copyright� 1989 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Donnees de catalogage avant publication (Canada)
Till, Barry.
Art from the roof of the world: Tibet
Catalogue d�une exposition tenue � I�Art Gallery of Greater Victoria du 9 nov., 1989 au 7 janv., 1990.
Texte en frangais et en anglais.
Comprend des references bibliographiques.
ISBN 0-88885-133-2
1. Art tibetain - Expositions. 2. Art tibetain
- Influence etrangere - Expositions. 3. Art bouddique
- Chine - Tibet - Expositions. I. Swart, Paula.
II. Namgyal, Tashi, Lama. III. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. IV. Titre. V. Titre: L�art du toit du monde.
N7346.T5T54 1989 709'.51 '5074011134 C89-091519-9F
Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data
Till, Barry.
Art from the roof of the world: Tibet
Catalog of an exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Nov. 9, 1989-Jan. 7, 1990.
Text in English and French.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-88885-133-2
1. Art, Tibetan - Exhibitions. 2. Art, Tibetan
- Foreign influences - Exhibitions. 3. Art, Buddhist
- China - Tibet - Exhibitions. I. Swart, Paula.
II. Namgyal, Tashi, Lama. III. Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. IV. Title.^V. Title: L�art du toit du monde.
N7346.T5T54 1989 709'.51'5074011134 C89-091518-9E
Designed and printed in Canada by MORRISS PRINTING COMPANY LTD.
Victoria, British Columbia