Transcript |
- Foreword
The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria is indeed fortunate in being able to exhibit Brian McElney�s collection of Chinese porcelain of the High Qing period. The late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were years of great change in the history of ceramics.
While European ceramists were searching for the secret formula of Chinese porcelain, and copying Chinese colours and designs in decorating Delfts early porcelain, the ceramists of the High Qing were making pieces of a new quality and perfection. Form, design, decoration and potting skills were supreme. Mr. McElney has developed a collection tracing the rare pieces of Transitional Chinese wares, many of which have been exhibited in a major exhibition in Hong Kong.
I would like to add my thanks to him not only for his generous loan and assistance to this exhibition and catalogue, but also for the untiring research he has undertaken over many years.