File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2021-12-08
- Date Modified
- 2021-12-08
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- passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Height: 5580
Width: 3796
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File Size: 63589896
Filename: 4517_pg_035.tif
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T22:36:20.566Z
Original Checksum: 792302e8795aa0a9d643e1fb0deeda9b
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Creator |
Transcript |
- June 3rd Tues. [Tuesday] [1941]
Visited bluffs opposite OK. [Okanagan] Landing
No snakes seen. One pair of Prairie
Falcons nesting in accessible spot on face
of cliff. Made seine haul in mouth
of stream at end of area taking
many minnows ( [space left blank
suckers, few Mylocheilus [underlined], Cottids + one
Luncheon with Major + Mrs. Brookes and
inspection of bird collection. Drove
to Vernon + saw Bill Mathers in
Dom. Ent. lab [Dominion Entomological Laboratory] + later Hugh Leech +
family when we had supper.
Set mouse traps on commons on
back road to Kelowna.
Visited Dalziels (pronounced Dee-el)
in evening.
June 4th [1941]
Packed equipment after lifting traps
(two Perognathus [underlined]) + visiting series of
ponds on commons where one pair
of Cinnamon teal were seen, Spotted Sandpipers
were nesting + salamanders (A. macrodactylum) [Ambystoma macrodactylum]
were collected. Called at Mrs. Chapman's.
1/2 [half] Mile east of Salmon arm road 1 Mile out of Vernon
to see if any fringe tailed bats were in attic; none found.
Stopped at Monte Lake + then pond 22 Miles S. [south] of
Kamloops where we collected large turtles + 1 muskrat.
Arrived Kamloops 3 P.M. Collected mail + drove to Mission
Flats lab where we set up out stuff in the area by cottage.
Visited [G.A.] Mails in evening + saw Tula[?] picture at Hospital.