Transcript |
- 6 [top middle]
& no time is lost in getting back to the dab of
straw & blankets. As You know a more or less
continual bombardment goes on all the time
but sometimes a big coal bombardment comes
off for a few hours to repulse an action or
to cover a local attack from our men. And
on such a night, say when you are back in
billet & it is a wonderful sight - to see one of
these extra special bombardments come off. The
racket is terrific & the darkness is lighted up
like day, with continual splashes of fire. From
our batteries you can see the long straight white
streaks of flame that spit from these guns, one
after another, in rows & sometimes altogether in
"salvoes". It is like the booming of a tremendous
drum - the crash & roar shake the ground you
stand on & rattles doors & broken windows. It is like
a mid-Summer storm with sky full of fighting.
It is rather imposing sight & grand & a bit terrible
too, because it spells that tragic word: War
and expresses in it (in flame & thunder) all that
is defiance & hate implacable. Also it means our
men have gone. "over the top" or perhaps, the
enemy have tried to come over. In any case,
doubtless it means a number of little tragedies
to some poor chaps.
But I must quit now. I started this 2 or 3
days ago. We leave here to morrow or day after.
I have filled this letter with a number of insignificant
details, but I know you want a letter of
some sort & there's nothing really to mention.
I could willingly go back to the subject of you
dear Maggie & Maurice & your doings & the dear old
place out there, but I must quit somehwere.
Well good bye & I tell you straight there's no
place I think of so much nor so fondly as our
old home where we've spent so many happy
happy years. Well good luck & best of health dear
Your loving brother
signed Georges
[end page]