Transcript |
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May 22, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Traps visited but not sprung. Shot [female symbol] Williamson sapsucker
and olive-backed thrush. Caught young kildeer. Set another
badger trap.
May 23, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Went up Gold Creek. Found flying squirrel's nest, 3 1/2 feet
off ground in a hollow bur [space left] in a small fir, [female symbol] and 3 small
young taken. Nest made of black "Old Man's beard" moss. [female symbol]
stomach full of same. Drove a [male symbol] flying squirrel from hole in
stump and shot him, Rocky Mt. [Mountain] jays, olive-sided flycatcher
and Townsend's warblers seen. Townsends singing like black-
throated gray. Bear sign examined, contained vegetation, such
as grass and lupine.
May 24, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Rained. Shot [male symbol] badger, 23 1/2 lbs. [pounds] as he was entering den at
7 o'clock in morning. Lost another that pulled out of the trap.
May 25, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Skinned badger in morning. Stomach contained [female symbol] and 3 young
ground squirrels. Young ones had been bitten in back of head
and swallowed whole. Old one torn into 5 or 6 pieces and eaten
in chunks.
May 26, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Went due northeast on range to small lake north of Tamarack
swamp. On the grassy uplands I took a pair of horned larks and
saw 6 or 8 more. Took pigmy nuthatch and [female symbol] squirrel that
had completed moult except for tail. Badger abroad at 4.30 P.M.
Set traps for voles in bearberry in timber.
May 27, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
A.M. [morning] Followed boundary back past Tamarack swamp then north
and west towards Horseshoe Lake. On rise west of lake took pair of
dusky horned larks; took pigmy nuthatch and moulted red squirrel.
In traps on west side of river in Tamarack woods, took bearberry
vole, [female symbol] ad. [adult] P.M. [afternoon] skinned and set out more traps. Took redstart
and Alaska three-toed woodpecker. Mr. [Hamilton Mack] Laing 22 1/2 lb. [pound] badger.
May 28, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Went back to horned lark prairie and took 5 [male symbol], 1 [female symbol] and 2 juv. [juvenile]
Mr. [Hamilton Mack] Laing 1 [male symbol], 1 [female symbol] and 2 juv. [juvenile] [female symbol] McCown longspur. Saw pair of
Bartram sandpipers and 12 sharp-tailed grouse. Set traps for
voles around rocks on prairie.
May 29, 1930, Newgate, B.C. [British Columbia]
Thunderstorm. Went back to prairie, 1 [male symbol] and 2 [female symbol] larks. Mr.
[Hamilton Mack] Laing another [female symbol] McCown longspur. Took [male symbol] and [female symbol] adults of the voles