Transcript |
- with the entire catching pen lined
with net + in about 15 " water
July 15/48 [1948] Lac La Hache.
Returned to Cummings Lake + drove
it. Found the following broods.
Baldpate 16, 5, 5.
Goldeneye 19, 4, 5.
Bufflehead 6,
Redhead 7 (3 weeks) 6 new
Canvasback 4 (3-4 ")
Mallard 5
Scaup 6, 7 + 2 redhead both newly out
many Black-necked grebes + coots
with young
See banding record for results
July 16/48 [1948]. Quesnel.
Drove up today + spent the afternoon
looking over the moose winter
range w [west] of 6 mile lake + at 9 mile
lake. All shows the same pattern
of about 5 years overuse. Cornus, [underlined]
Betula [underlined] + Salix [underlined] have suffered
In evening examined the
experimental plots on the
airport area + then went
to Dragon Lake where I saw
2 Cooper Hawks, a black tern, 2 Ospreys