97-051_LTRS 21

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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Filename: 1925_97-051_021.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T15:55:08.594Z
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  • such terms as two snd six etc. flow quite glibly from my tongue. Hank hasn’t quite mastered it yet though. He sprang one today about going into the barber shop to buy some gum. "I gave him a dime, and he handed me back a package of gum, two pennies, and a - and a -’hay’ penny", was the way he expressed it. As a result he is now dubbed "Hay-penny Hank". Have been spieling all these pages about my doings, and I guess you are a little tired of reading them, so I’ll stop for a while and let you know how some of the others are faring. Bill still retains his "pep" and voracious appetite. He is on regi­mental messenger duty just at present. Hank had the misfortune . to hurt his knee wrestling with Logan one day last week, and has been laid up since. He was on parade today though, and expects to be jake in a few days now, Goldie has been having an awful time. Hasn’t been able to keep a meal down since we left Halifax. He says that all he can keep on his stomach is his undershirt, and life with him is just "one damned vomit after the other". Seeing a fellow run for the scuppers is an old story now. Tom YTebster is another who has been under the weather. He can get on deck though, which helps a lot. Goldie feels better when he is lying down. Prank Gron^ton hurt his back playing leap frog on deck the other day, but aside from a few creaks when he bends over is all to the mustard. Jimmy Stewart, who is in my room, has been under the weather off and on, but today apparently is feeling O.K. Harold is on hospital duty today. Haven’t seen him since early this morning (It is now 12.30), but he had been unable to hang onto his breakfast then. He had a scare the other day. By the way he isn’t in my room but across the aisle with Prank G, Tom Pascoe and Les Gordon. Thought he had lost his purse with L 3« Us. lG^-d in it, or in Canadian money $17.25. "Searched" all through his pockets but swore up and down he must have dropped it when he was up for’d the night before, While he was out re­tracing his steps of the night before, I thought I’d have a look through hie greatcoat pockets which he had. already emptied. The first thing I laid my hands on was his purse, I talked to him when he came back, and I think in future he will be more careful. Pride,y Noon H0thing of any importance has happened since I left off writing yesterday. Yesterday afternoon was another holiday for the purpose of finishing the sports. Played cards most of the afternoon and night. Today we had an inspection of all the troops by the O.C. this ship. Lot of ceremony for nothing to my way of thinking. Prom now on we live in our clothes and life belts, never know wnen the alarm may sound, so hove to he rrerered. Making
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