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A8 for myself, well "you know me Ali"
With beet love to everybody,
F, Carne
Nov. 19th, 1916.
My dear Sie,-
Seems to me that it ie some considerable time since I last penciled those there words. Will try and make ut> for lost time now.
Before I start will have to acknowledge here receipt of Mother* s short note of the 27th. I am sure that she will forgive me if I answer it in this letter as I really cannot write two letters today. You will? Thanks. Here goes then,
~%s Harold informed me a few days ago that he had mentioned my
having been hit in a letter home quite a while ago. It' was a surprise to me, as I hadn’t intended mentioning it if I had been lucky enough to keep my name out of the casualty lists. However, now that the cat is out of the hag, I suppose 1*11 have to satisfy your curiosity more fullythan the kid did. At least I am taking it for granted that he didn’t go into details, as he isn’t here to inform me. Bo you remember that the 9th of October was Thanksgiving Bay?
I certainly do, for now that it is all over, I don’t think I’ll be causing you any worry when I state that it was cm that day that your "big red head" had just about as close a call as he ever wants to have. So I fancy I had mighty good cause to return thanks that 'day.
On the day in question we were evacuating wounded out of Gourselette, in fact had been doing so for ten days. If ever there was a hell-hole, that ie the place. It was at that time about half- a-mile from Fritz’s lines, and under shell fire every minute of the day. To make it worse we had no trenches as an aid to protection when we were oarrying out stretcher oases, but had to go "overland" all the way. In the remains of thevillage it wasn’t too bad as we had a good dugout to, live in or rather exist, for up there it was herd tack and bully beef as a steady diet. The guns kar>t ur> a steady roar every minute of the day, and twice in on* dropped "coal boxes" right on top of our dugout, drivlr* v? ?? bers, blowing out our candles, and nearly giving us concbaaior;, lx certainly wasn’t an ideal health resort for tourists. But to get on to the trip.
It was about eight o’clock on the liveliest moonlight night imaginable that six of us left the dressing station with a wounded Scotty. Fritz had been dropping his heavy stuff all around station 'for hours, but we had grown "almost" accustomed to it