Japanese_Shinto_Shrine 10

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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 03, 2024 at 22:18
Height: 5648
Width: 3796
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Filename: Japanese_Shinto_Shrine010.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-04T07:09:46.495Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Pair of Sake Bottles used in Shinto ceremonies ceramic late 19th/early 20th century ht. 24 cm Gift of Jeffery Cline AGGV Most Shinto shrines are stately and graceful but, in contrast to the some�times ornate Buddhist temples and imagery, they tend to be plain, simple and often are unpainted. The shrines are sparsely furnished and usually lack images or idols, apart from a sacred object (shintai), like a mirror. If the sacred object is removed, the shrine ceases to have religious significance. Although placed in natural surroundings, the shrines have been made to look like they belong right where they are. Builders have shown extraordinary sensitivity in their efforts to integrate the man-made structures into the environ�ment. Often, shrines are places of quiet charm situated in areas of great beauty or nestled in a man-made forest of towering trees. A wonderful feeling of being in harmony with nature emanates from the shrine. Even when they are placed in compact settings, the surrounding gardens are tastefully landscaped to sug�gest the beauty and mystery of nature. Usually a shrine complex includes other buildings besides the main shrine (honden) such as a treasury (hoden) and a cooking hall (shinsensho) where meals are prepared for the kami. Fences are often placed around the main building to prevent desecration. 8
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