Transcript |
- during the night, or the damage may have "been greater.
Our convoy the cruiser "Carnarvon" arrived on the morning of the 14th, a.nd the light cruiser "Caesar" came in the next day.
On Thursday night, the l6th a concert was held in the first class saloon presumably for the men, but after the officers had draped themselves around the room there was very little room left. Bill and I managed to find a seat though, and passed a fairly pleasant evening. No refreshments though, and that put the blink on the whole affair from our viewpoint.
Sailed from Halifax at 7.30 A.m, on Friday the 17th, accompanied by the "Lapland" and convoyed by the "Carnarvon", It was a raw cold day, and if anything kept getting colder as the day went on. Missed my dinner but went down to supper, though as I mentioned before couldn't keep it down.
Felt better next day though, but couldn't make the grade for the first two meals. Managed to make it for supper though, and had a good meal, and what is more important kept it down. (Have written enough for this sitting. Will resume some time later. Anyway it is supper time and I'm hungry).
Wednesday A.M.
Once more I pick up my pencil to continue the harrowing tale. Today is a general holiday, all kinds of snorting events going on. Have been out watching the boxing for some little while but thought I could ocoupy my time to more advantage writing.
On Sunday alL the port holes were covered over, and the order read out that no one was allowed to smoke or strike a light on deck after 6 o'clock, as from now on we may be considered as being in the danger 2one. We hit the Gulf Stream on this day, and there sure was a difference in the weather. The air feels just like a mild spring day in Victoria, Sun shining bright, and fine and warm too. Very little swell on the ocean, in fact have seen it rougher many times off Beacon Hill.
On Monday I had the misfortune to be picked for hospital orderly. The "hospital" is located right at the stem and is the vilest smelling hole I have been in. How a sick man can stand it I don't know, for I had to get out in the fresh air erery few minutes. The hospital in our lines at Vernon was paradise compared to this one. Hope I never have the job again.
Lights out on board at 9.15 and had just dropped off to sleep on Monday night, when the emergency bugle oall sounded. Some scramble. Four of us in the room dressing at one time, putting our life belts on, and then parading on deck. Just practise you know, in case the real thing ever turns up. Hope it never does, needless to remark.