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I don't know whether I told you that Charlie Lundy is in a V.A.L. hospital in Kent. He is ooming along fine, according to the last letter I had from him. Lid you know that Jimmy Stewart is wounded? I haven’t seen any of the 4th Amb. boys for months, my information coming to me in a letter from a young lady in Victoria, Hope he didn't grab a. bed one.
Expect to get away on leave some day next week. It will certainly be a welcome change from the dreadfully monotonous existence we are enduring at present. According to the "Laily Wail", the Erench Rivieua is getting a dose of the same cold weather that we are experiencing uu here. I certainly.hope that. Jack Erost will have taken his departure before we hit there. Still, one can endure the cold, when he has a comfortable hotel to live in.
Am writing this in our recreation room, formerly a school room. It is the only warm spot around here ?where a fellow can snend his idle hours, that is, outside of our billet. One of the boys,- Uot1 - is tickling the ivories in fine style, having just switched from rag to the ''Rosary". Gee, maybe I wouldn't enjoy hearing Marjorie play once more.
You ask me when this affair will be over/- God only knows. Lloyd George, according- to today's paper is firmly convinced that this year will see Germany's downfall. That remains to be seen. Certainly the American army aught to make a tremendous difference,, and if only the Allies work in perfect harmony-and unison, this year should be the last. God grant that it is. I know that I am completely fed up with it all, and that's the universal feeling over here. Still, until Germany is licked, and licked perfectly,
I guess we’ll have to carry on.
Thanks so much for writing to Mrs, McLiarmid. I'm sure it will do her good. I wrote to Bill several weeks ago, but haven't heard from him in reply. I believe he is on leave in Blighty, so" maybe he hasn’t my,/letter yet.
Reoeived a dandy box of apples from Annie Parish a few days ago. Also Aunt Jennie's parcel arrived. I certainly appreciate their kindness very much.
Well, Mother, I really haven't anything more to talk about this time, so will call it a day' s work.
Best love to all,
Yours lovingly,
P.S. Lid you include a diary in tha,t parcel along with the sweater?