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- early 20th century)
Gift of Uno and Diane Langmann
AGGV 1995.019.001 p.136
During the organization of this exhibition, this screen was being restored by the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Tokyo, Japan.
Pendant qu'on organisait la presente exposition, ce paravent faisait l'objet de travaux de restauration par I'institut national de recherche sur les biens culturels de Tokyo, au Japon.
119. Shimada Hiroaki
(active 1673-80)
Sanjurokkasen (Thirty-six Poets) / Sanjurokkasen (trente-six poetes)
Album leaves, colour and gold on paper Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1966.016.001 p.137
120. Model of actor /
Figurine d�acteur Late 17th century
Arita export ware, porcelain with underglaze blue and overglaze enamels Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1968.208.001 p.138
Statuettes of this type were made explicitly for export to the West in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
� la fin du 17e siecle et au debut du 18e siecle, on fabriquait ce type de statuettes specialement pour leur exportation en Occident.
121. Weight in the form of a skull surmounted by a snake
/ Poids de la forme d'un crane surmonte d'un serpent Early to mid 19th century Ivory, carnelian Gift of David Young AGGV 1998.067.001 p.139
122. Netsuke (toggle/attache) Kirin, ivory, unsigned
19th century
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James and Joanna Davidson, AGGV
2006.002.012 p. 160
123. Netsuke (toggle/attache) Toad on an overturned sandal, wood, signed Masanao
19th century Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
James and Joanna Davidson, AGGV 2006.002.002 p.161
126. Footed dish / Coupe � pied 17th century
Shino ware, stoneware with white glaze and underglaze iron brown Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1968.202.001 p.162
125. Shibata Zeshin
(1807-1891), Incense box (kobako) in the shape of a turtle / Bofte � encens (kobako} en forme de tortue Wood, lacquer Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1976.016.001 p.163
126. Plate / Assiette Early 18th century Kakiemon ware, porcelain with overglaze enamels Fred and Isabel
Pollard Collection AGGV 1965.069.001 p.166
The story depicted on the plate represents the Chinese legend of Sima Guang, who as a child rescued a playmate from drowning in a water jar by breaking it with a rock. In Europe this design motif is called �hob in the well� and was a popular motif, often copied at Meissen and later at Chelsea.
Le motif de l�assiette represente la legende chinoise de Sima Guang qui, enfant, en sauva un autre de la noyade dans une jarre pleine d'eau, en la brisant avec une pierre. On designait ce motif tres populaire en Europe par le terme hob in the welt qu�on copiera souvent a Meissen puis, plus tard � Chelsea.
127. Dish / Recipient 18th century
Nabeshima ware, porcelain with underglaze blue and overglaze enamels Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
James and Joanna Davidson AGGV 1997.059.063 p.165
Nabeshima wares were held in high esteem and were largely limited for use by the feudal nobility.
Les oeuvres de Nabeshima etaient tenues en haute estime et n�etaient utiUsees que par les representants de la noblesse du regime feodal.
128. Ogata Kenzan (1663-1763) Square plate / Assiette carree Stoneware with overglaze enamels
Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1971.123.001 p.166
The square shape and simple ivy design on the sides of the plate are typical of Kenzan's style.
La forme carree et le simple motif de lierre au bord de l'assiette illustrent le style typique de Kenzan.
129. Large dish / Grand plat Early 19th century
Kutani ware, porcelain with overglaze enamels Gift of James and Joanna Davidson AGGV 1997.059.077 p.167
130. Inro of black lacquer over e-urushi ground, Netsuke- wood, O/Vme-lacquered wood / Bofte de pharmacie (inro) noire laquee sur fond
e-urushi, Netsuke en bois, Ojime en bois laque 19th century Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1976.223.001 p.168
131. Writing box (suzuribako} / Ecritoire (suzuribako), 1869 Nashiji lacquer ground with pewter, mother-of-pearl, gold and black
Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection AGGV 1966.056.001 p.169
The design of the �Thirty-six Famous Poets" is after a painting by Rimpa artist, Korin (1658-1716).
Le motif des � Trente-six celebres poetes � est inspire d�une peinture de l'artiste Rimpa Korin (1658-1716)
132. Buckets (kaioke} containing a shell game (with Dakigyoyo mon or crest)
18th/19th century / Boftes
/kaioke) contenant un jeu de
18e/19e siecles
Lacquer, wood, shells, pigment
Private collection p.150/151
In kai-awase (the shell�matching game), two identical sets of 180 painted shells were used. The interior of every shell in the set had a different miniature painting showing subjects that came from well-known literary classics like The Tate of Genji or poetry anthologies like the Kokinwakashu. Clam shells that fit easily into the palm of the hand were the preferred type of shell. To play the game, one set of shells was placed face down in front of the players. The other set was brought out of the kaioke (shell bucket) one shell at a time face up so the painting could be seen. The players then alternated in turning over the shells from the first set one at a time to find the matching shell. Since each shell had only one match, kaioke was seen as a symbol of feminine morality and was considered an especially appropriate part of the wedding trousseau.
Le kai-awase (jeu de coquillages) se joue avec deux ensembles identiques de 180 coquillages peints. L�interieur de chaque coquillage a ete peint d�une miniature differente portant sur des sujets tires de pieces litteraires bien connues comme le Conte de Genji ou de recueils de poemes comme Kokinwakashu. On preferait surtout les coquilles de palourdes qui tenaient bien dans la paume de la main. On installait un ensemble de coquilles face contre table devant les joueurs. L�autre ensemble eta it dans la bofte kaioke (petit seau) et on tirait une coquille � la fois de facon � voir la miniature. Chacun leur tour, les joueurs retournaient une des coquilles de la table en vue de retrouver la coquille correspondante. Puisque chaque coquille n�avait qu�une jumelle, on considerait que le kaioke symbolisait la morale feminine et qu�il convenait que ce jeu fasse partie du trousseau de la mariee.