Transcript |
- Rana cantabrigensis [underlined] [aka Rana sylvaticus, now known as Lithobates sylvaticus - Wood frog]
June 24/42 [1942] Collected one pair
(one slender; the other fatter, ([female symbol]?)) at
small stream crossing highway
a few miles (9) [inserted as postscript] north of Clinton
Frogs were close together, in backwater
of swollen stream; among boulders +
tufts of grass; jumped into water when
startled but were easily taken in net.
Size small, about 50mm [millimeters].
A third specimen was taken in
short (cropped) grass 50 yds [yards] from
alkali pot-lake, near highway at
about Mile 82. Size about the same.
(Later: the above seems to be R. pretiosa [Rana pretiosa - Oregon spotted frog])
A large tadpole, about 65mm [millimeters] in
total length, was collected by random
sweep of net in an alkali pot-hole at
about Mile 90 (20 miles N. [north] of 70 M. [mile] House)
Water was almost milky white, obscuring
the bottom even in 1 inch of water. Tadpole
has well-developed hind legs; could it
be in its second summer. If so how
could it winter over in such a shallow pond?
(about 2 acres)
Two more individuals of same size were
seen in adjoining pond but were not caught.
Also one or two small tadpoles about 20mm [millimeters].