97-051_LTRS 102

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 2006_97-051_102.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:13:24.241Z
Original Checksum: 08002ef50ebf173d60bca41cf7a1359f
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Creator Transcript
  • I can quite understand hovf you felt when Florrie left for Portland, for I’ve had a few euch partings myself. It will be mighty lonesome for a while I know, but then these things have to be faced, so buck up, kid, and don’t lose heart. There’s better times coming for all of ue before long. Wish you’d tell Uncle John Grant that I was over to see Geo, Blackburn yesterday, end found him as full of bull as ever. Bigger is now in England, O.C. the training school I believe. Well, sis, the kid is yelling at me to close up shop end come to bed,, so seeing that my walk this evening has tired me, am only too willing to,accede to hie demands. Love to everybody, Fred, - 102 - France Jan 26th,. 1917. Bear Mother and Bad,- Have just finished a day’s work in the men’s kitchen,, the first fatigue of that nature I’ve had since we left Belgium. Was assigned to that job several times before, but something always seemed to turn up to prevent me from going through with it. Needless to remark I wasn't sorry, as any soldier will tell you that-it is the dirtiest job in the army. But my usual good luck deserted me last night, and it was with a groan of disgust that I crawled out of our warm bed at 6 A.M, this morning, dressed, and wended my weary way to,the cook house, accompanied by two others of our gong, who had aleo.been grabbed. Maybe it wasn't cold. Freezing hard, and a bitter wind blowing. Our first job was toi,cut up bread, which we were'forced to do wearing gloves. A few more odd jobs, and "cook-house1' blew. Breakfast is the worst meal to serve of the ldt,, as the majority of the fellows don’t get up until cook house has blown,,the first parade being an hour later. I had charge of the bread issue and as it was all frozen as herd as a rock by that time, had some job with a. good many kicks, the latter sliding off my baok like water off a duck. Wasmearly frozen by the time breakfast was over,,but have learned to take euch little things philosophically by now. Thawed out by the fire, and then we had our breakfast, after which the cold job of washing up the dishes and dixies commenced. With thatfiniehed I found time to beat it to our hut for a shave. Then back again to get dinner ready. Had a warm job for a while chopping up the frozen beef with an axe. No spuds today.
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