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- copying the old masters and advocated original creation.
Important court painters of this time include such artists as Tang Dai, Zhang Zongcang, Gu Jianlong [34] and Yuan Jiang [35]. Many of their paintings were continuations of the Song Academy of Painting and are of quite a high level. Another important court painter was Lang Shining (alias Guiseppe Gastiglione) [36], an Italian Jesuit, who painted at the Court of Three Qing Emperors. His paintings of figures and animals were a blend of Chinese and West�ern techniques.
For the most of the nineteenth century, Chi�nese painting tended to look back at what it used to be, and in many ways became nothing more than a nostalgic evocation of a glorious past. However, it is a mistake to indiscriminately ignore all the work of nineteenth-century artists. Although the quality and creativity of painting was waning, some artists, such as Zhang Shibao [40], were worthy inheritors of the traditional Chinese skill with the brush.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Shanghai was becoming the centre of painting. The most famous painters of this period included artists such as Ren Xiong, Chao Zhiqian and Ren Yi [41].
In the twentieth century, classical Chinese painting did not become a lost art. The ancient styles and techniques, which have been estab�lished over the centuries, have flourished and are still ever present in modern Chinese paint�ings, especially in the landscape scenes.
October 1982
Selected Bibliography
Burling, Judith and Arthur. Chinese Art, New York, *953-
Cahill, James. Chinese Painting, Geneva, i960. Capon, Edmund. Chinese Painting, Oxford, x979-
Chinese Painting, Beijing, 1980.
Contag, Victoria. Chinese Masters of the iyth Century, London, 1969.
Contag, V. and Wang, Chi-ch�uan. Maler � und Sammler � Stempel aus der Ming � und CWing � Zeit, Shanghai, 1940.
Goodrich, L. Carrington and Fang Chaoying, eds. Dictionary of Ming Biography, London and New York, 1976.
Ho, Wai-Kam; Lee, Sherman; Sickman, Laur�ence; and Wilson, Marc F. Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting, Cleveland, 1980.
Hummel, Arthur W., ed. Eminent Chinese of the Ch ing Period (164.4*1912), Washing�ton, 1943-44-
Kwo Da-wei. Chinese Brushwork, Its History, Aesthetics and Techniques, Montclair and London, 1981.
Lee, Sherman E. Chinese Landscape Painting, Cleveland, 1954.
Loehr, Max. The Great Painters of China, New York, 1980.
Shih, Hsio-yen and Trubner, Henry S. Individu�alists and Eccentrics: The Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Finlayson Collection of Chinese Paintings, Toronto, 1963.
Sickman, Laurence and Soper, Alexander. The Art and Architecture of China, Harmonds- worth, England, 1956.
Siren, Osvald. The Chinese on the Art of Paint�ing, New York, 1963.
Siren, Osvald. Chinese Painting: Leading Mas�ters and Principles, 7 vols., New York, 1956- 58-
Sullivan, Michael. The Three Perfections: Chi�nese Painting, Poetry and Calligraphy, Lon�don, 1974.
Swann, Peter. Chinese Painting, New York,
Swann, Peter. �The Timeless Quality of Far Eastern Art,� Apollo, May 1976, pp. 368- 71-
Sze, Mai-mai. The Way of Chinese Painting, New York, 1959.
Tsang, Ka-bo. �Chinese Paintings,� Arts of Asia, March-April, 1979, pp. 107-13.
Whitfield, Roderick. In Pursuit of Antiquity, Princeton, 1969.
Willets, William. Foundations of Chinese Art, New York, 1965.
Zhongguo Huajia Renming Dazidian, Taipei, 1961.