Certificate/recommendation letter from the medical director of the Jewish Hospital in Hamburg. States that Siegfried Preuss had been employed in the internal department of the hospital as a medical intern from 1 February 1937 to 1 June 1937. Discusses positive aspects of his character and praises his abilities as a doctor. Signed by the medical director of the Krankenhaus der Deutsch-Israel in Hamburg.
- 1 page
- 53.55073, 9.99302
- February 1, 1937 to June 1, 1937
- Includes Krankenhaus stamp.
- Victoria Holocaust and World War II Memory Digital Collections
- Thorsen, Helga
- Accession Number: 2018-017
- Item: 1.39
- Thorsen, Helga
- Finding aid for archival fonds: https://uvic2.coppul.archivematica.org/local-stories-of-the-holocaust
- 2020
- Scanned on Epson & OptiBook scanners at 600 dpi. Scanning and metadata by E. McClenagan & D. Ndoja. Additional metadata by KD.
- Rights
- Made available on this site for research and private study only. For all other uses please contact UVic Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives.