[Plan of Indian Reserves on the Nass between Kitwillweshilt and Kitlacdamax]
[No surveyor name or date; not signed by Superintendent of Indian Affairs.] Map showing Reserves along the Nass River. Land cover and features described on the map includes Kwinaha, Kitwillucshilt Old Village, rapids, lava beds, Amatal, Shumarl, Shumarl River, Seaks River, Iyennis Village, graves, Kitlacdamax Village, and Tsimmanween Clist.
- LTSA Inventory No.: LTSA6178
- LTSA SGD Microfilm Image Number: 106594
- Plan Barcode: Z0366619
- Plan Number: 37TR-1A-IR
- 1 sheet
- 55.21344, -129.15367
- 55.33289, -129.00362
- 54.9916, -129.84509
- Scale: 2 inches = 1 mile
- Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia: Indian Reserve Maps
- Cataloguing metadata: Provided by the LTSA and adapted by University of Victoria Libraries to their requirements.
- Rights
- To request permission to publish or otherwise reproduce this image, or to purchase a high-resolution digital copy, please contact the LTSA at orderdesk@ltsa.ca.