Victoria welcomes the King and Queen (1939)

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One of a series of amateur motion picture films by Mathew Ko. Shot during the royal visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Victoria, B.C., May 1939. Shots of decorated legislative fountain, Statue of Queen Victoria reading “This stone was lai[d] September 24th 191[9] by his Royal Highnes[s] the Prince of Wale[s],” close view of crest reading “Long may they reign, May 1939,” Queen Victoria statue, distant view of harbour and Store street buildings, front view of decorated Empress Hotel from the harbour, cars driving on street in front of Empress Hotel, close view of City Hall clock tower and flag. Two men shown standing on steps of Empress Hotel, three women sitting on grass with a camera, people getting onto a boat in Inner Harbour, two elderly people leaving a house and walking down stairs. Two boys holding an American flag and banner reading “Victoria Encampment 1939” with letters B A (Boy Scouts of America) on a green and yellow crest, later cooking in metal pots. Shot of someone feeding a deer, and an older Asian couple coming out of a house. Parade of military men down Douglas Street by City Hall, with some RCMP on horseback, men’s choir, entourage of officers in red uniforms on motorcycle as King George VI and Queen Elizabeth arrive in a convertible, waving to crowd. Banner reads “Chinese community greet their Majesties” along one side of the street. Shots of HBC advertising billboard sign in the background of parade route, Imperial Oil building tower. Faded text on screen reads “Victoria welcomes the King and Queen.” Close shots of soldiers in uniform, military and non-military ships. These clips were initially intended for home, personal use. Silent film.

In Collection:
Creator Subject Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 00:05:56
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 48.4359, -123.35155
  • 60.10867, -113.64258
Chronological coverage
  • 1939
Additional physical characteristics
  • Kodachrome 16mm
Physical Repository Collection
  • Mathew Ko Colour Films, Victoria's Chinatown and Region
Provider Genre Archival item identifier
  • 2013-033.1.01
Fonds title Fonds identifier Date digitized
  • February 3, 2014
Technical note
  • NTSC 525
  • additional metadata by MT
  • Metadata by Lauren Chancellor
  • Double perf Color Reversal. B-Wind. Broken perforations and opening cement splices repaired. Probable 1938 and 1939 Kodak date codes. Reel contains a short faded section around 134 ft into reel. Digitized at 18 fps. Digitized by The Media Preserve
  • mp4
  • Contact UVic Special Collection and University Archives for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.