"Canadian Troops Waiting to go into the Firing Line," photograph from Canada in Khaki

An image from Canada in Khaki - A Tribute to the Officers and Men now Serving in the Overseas Military Forces of Canada, published for the War Records Office: "Canadian troops waiting to go into the firing line" credited to Canadian Official Photographs.

In Collection:
Subject Language Identifier
  • Call Number: D547 C2C3
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 page (1 photograph)
Additional physical characteristics
  • Black and white print.
Physical Repository Collection
  • World of Mary's Wedding Reminiscences of World War One
Provider Genre Technical note
  • 600 DPI TIFF, scanned on Plustek A300 by PD. Migration metadata by KD.
  • This material may be protected by copyright. Personal use of this material is without restriction but acknowledgement of Special Collections and University Archives, University of Victoria is requested whether the use is oral, web or in print. Commercial use of any portion of this material requires permission from Special Collections and University Archives.