Open road - Issue 04, Fall 1977

In this issue: The pie and the mighty; Hell no, we won't glow: nuke protest movement a fast breeder; Putting the boots to the storm troopers: anti-fascists mobilize against the right; Roadside notes; Italy: the streets are up for grabs; On the road; Quebec syndicalists in squeeze; Sweden rolls up red carpet; Fish chowder feeds no-nukes, but next course needs recipe; News from nowhere; Peasants close ranks: Mexicans regroup; The creaming of America: come pie with me, Nov. 4-11; Feminism: the anarchist impulse comes alive; The blast (with Sacco-Vanzetti poster); Inuit form common front; SRAF conference: anarchists take new tack; Hapotec: playing to win; GJB (George Jackson Brigade) gets silent treatment; Anarchy is liberty, not disorder: better black than red or dead; Immigrants still taking the flak: 50 years after Sacco & Vanzetti; New blood rejuvenates CNT (Spanish National Confederation of Labour); Bookchin on Spanish anarchism (book review); Don't watch fascism, fight it (book review); There's a rumour going 'round;

An anarchist publication produced in Vancouver, British Columbia focused on the international spectrum of anarchist and anti-authoritarian activities around popular struggles and social problems.

In Collection:
Contributor Subject Publisher Language Identifier
  • Call Number: HX821 O6
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 19 p. : ill. ; 43 cm.
Alternative title
  • Open road, fall 1977
  • Open road. Issue 4
  • OpenRoad, issue four
  • Pie and the mighty
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 60.10867, -113.64258
  • 49.24966, -123.11934
Physical Repository Collection
  • Jim Campbell (Julie Thiers) Collection
  • Donor: Julie Thiers
Provider Genre Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • October 31, 2013
Technical note
  • 300 dpi tiff. Digitized by CDW, KM, SC; metadata by GF and KD.
  • Contact UVic Archives for access to the original, or ask UVic Archives to make a copy (fee for service). Patrons may look at the material through the Anarchism Digital Research Centre, but may not use images unless they contact UVic Archives.