MacGregor, Ernest Morgan Keith: my Army recollections (July 22, 1986)

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Interviewer: Aylward, Rick

ABSTRACT: Brig.-Gen. Ernest Morgan Keith MacGregor, M.C. Calgary Highlanders The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry MacGregor_E_0096_01.mp3 Born on Feb. 20, 1923 in Alberta. When the war began he joined the navy, but was released when his father informed the authorities that he was underage. Attended the University of Alberta (first year engineering) and was a member of the C.O.T.C. Joined the Calgary Highlanders when he was of age and was sent to the O.C.T.U. at Gordon Head in 1942, then to Calgary, to A-16, Canadian Infantry Training Centre, graduating with the rank of lieutenant. (15:00) Posted to England to the reinforcement unit at Thursley Common. Comments on relations with the British, an enjoyable experience. Infantry officers' wireless course. By mistake he was sent to the 1st Canadian Division reinforcement unit instead of that of the 2nd Division and found himself slated to reinforce the Edmonton Regiment instead of the Calgary Highlanders. Attended battle, mechanical transport, and anti-tank courses. Later a battle drill course (infantry platoon and company tactics), then became an instructor for about six months. In 1943 posted to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment in Italy at the Hitler Line. Comments on Italian civilians and an Italian unit fighting with the Allies. As part of the L.O.B. (left out of battle) group of the regiment he instructed for a month in a junior N.C.O. course at Riccioni. MacGregor_E_0096_02.mp3 Describes some actions at the Naviglio Canal Senio River areas. Here he commanded his company as a lieutenant and was awarded the Military Cross after, he claims, the "accidental" capture of an enemy machine-gun nest. Became the intelligence officer for the battalion after taking a course at the British Intelligence School. Moved to northwest Europe. Explains battle intelligence, gathering information from all sources and passing it to the commanding officer. Distributed maps and photos, wrote the war diary. Long hours required of this job. Promoted to captain. Fighting in Holland: many rapid movements, short battles, during one of which he was wounded. (45:00) Volunteered for the Pacific Force. Comments on the demobilization of the Canadian army. Joined the Interim Force, then the Regular army. In 1949 was a G.S.O. III (Intelligence) at army headquarters. Interesting work regarding the Russian Army. Explains the various "desks" of the military intelligence structure which in Canada was largely a collating organization. Due to his high security clearance he was not sent to the Korean War. Selected for the British army staff college at Camberley: an intensive one year course during which he was promoted to major. MacGregor_E_0096_03.mp3 Administration officer for the Canadian coronation contingent. Posted to the War Office as Canadian army liaison officer (land/air warfare). Immediately took parachute training with the S.A.S. (Special Air Service), air transport, liaison, air warfare courses. Military observer (1958) in the Middle East. (30:00) Returned to regimental duty, then to Ottawa, to the Canadian army operational research establishment which was concerned with war games. Was the "senior Red Commander" for a few months which required him to think like a Russian officer. In 1962 was appointed C.O. of P.P.C.L.I. during which time they engaged in much Arctic soldiering. Comments on integration and unification; feels that the latter did not make too much sense. As chief of infantry (Colonel) in 1965 he presided over the reduction of the permanent force to three infantry regiments. Became director of training for the Canadian forces. Part of the Canadian delegation for Control and Supervision in Vietnam. (45:00) Discusses the sometimes opposing political overtones of the members of the Commission, but they all got along extremely well socially. As a brigadier-general commanded the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade. Commandant of Camp Gagetown, N.B. Retired in 1977. Highlight of career: C.O. of 2 P.P.C.L.I. (06:00)

Interviewee: MacGregor, Ernest Morgan Keith, b. 1923

Rank: Brigadier-General. Medals and Honours: Military Cross (MC)

An interview/narrative of Ernest Morgan Keith MacGregor's experiences during World War II and the Vietnam War. Brigadier-General MacGregor, M.C. served with the Calgary Highlanders, the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Interview took place on July 22, 1986.

In Collection:
Contributor Subject Language Date created Relation
Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 3 sound recordings (MP3)
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 36.5, 127.75
  • 40, 127
Additional physical characteristics
  • One original sound tape reel (ca. 105 min.) : 1 7/8 ips, 2 track, mono. ; 2 sound cassette copies : standard, mono. in Special Collections.
Physical Repository Collection
  • Canadian Military Oral History Collection
Provider Genre Archival item identifier
  • MEMK_096
Fonds title Fonds identifier Is referenced by Date digitized
  • July 9, 2007
Technical note
  • Digital sound recording in .wav format at 16 bits and 22 kHz. In .mp3 format at 64 kbps and 22 kHz. Digitized by AN, technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Transferred from audio reel to audio cassette between 1987-1997. Interview migrated to digital format for UVic Special Collections in 2007. Migration metadata by KD and MT.
  • This interview has been posted with the understanding that it may be used for research purposes only. Should the interviewee or their heirs have any objections to this interview being accessible on the Internet, it will be removed promptly. Contact UVic Special Collections for permission if using for other than research purposes: