Choir Breviary (Franciscan Use)

"This large-format manuscript is a marvelous artifact of Franciscan life and worship. Used for singing by the Choir, it is notable for its content, including other texts not commonly found in more portable Franciscan Breviaries: the Franciscan Ceremonial (known to its editor in only thirty-five manuscripts), the Indutus planeta (Haymo of Faversham's description of the private Mass), the Franciscan liturgical statutes of 1254, and others. It is accompanied by additions over at least two centuries and other plentiful signs of early use."--Les Enluminures, Ltd. website.

In Collection:
Subject Language Identifier
  • Shelf Mark: Ms.Lat.7
  • Call Number: BX2049 F7C46 1260
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 225 folios; parchment; 265 x 185 mm
Alternative title
  • Choir Breviary (Franciscan Use) and other texts including the Ordinationes (Franciscan Ceremonial), Indutus planeta (Order of the Private Mass), Franciscan Liturgical Statutes from Metz, 1254, Benedictions
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 45.20543,8.96233
  • 42.83829,12.24145
Additional physical characteristics
  • "Bound in Italy in the fifteenth century in substantial beveled wooden boards extending beyond the book block covered with blind-stamped brown leather, with an outer border of palmettes, framing a large rectangular center panel with four rope-interlace diamonds positioned to form a cross, above three large stamps of fleur-de-lis and foliage, rounded spine with four raised bands, four corner bosses upper and lower boards, two clasp and catch fasteners, fastening back to front (restored), edges once dyed green(?), rebacked with the spine laid down, resewn, with reinforcement strips added in the middle of quires, new head and tail bands, extensively restored but now in very good condition."--Les Enluminures, Ltd. website.
Physical Repository Collection
  • Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
  • Purchased by University of Victoria in 2017 from Les Enluminures.
Provider Genre Is referenced by Date digitized
  • October 7, 2019 to October 17, 2019
Transcript Technical note
  • Scanned on TTI/Betterlight 7-17 Oct 2019 (PD). Metadata by KD.
  • Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.