Preface by Thomas Carlyle dated the 11th of August, 1841. "Printed from the first English edition by T.J. Cobden-Sanderson and Emery Walker at the Doves Press and finished January 5, 1906. ... Compositors: J.H. Mason, W. Jenkins. Pressmen: H. Gage-Cole, J. Ryan, & Albert Lewis ..."--Colophon. Contents: History -- Self-reliance -- Compensation -- Spiritual laws -- Love -- Friendship -- Prudence -- Heroism -- The over-soul -- Circles -- Intellect -- Art.
- In Collection:
- Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
- Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. (Thomas James), 1840-1922
- Doves Press
- Walker, Emery, 1851-1933
- lanck, J. Bibliography of American literature, 5476
- Special Collections Call Number: PS1608 A2 1906
- Tidcombe, M. Doves Press, DP8
- 311 pages ; 24 x 17 cm
- Flexible vellum binding, with some warping. Stamp "The Doves Press" on bottom inside back cover. Small bookplate "Marion C. Walker, her book." Initials printed in red throughout along with names of characters (pages 212-214). Enclosure: order form for another book loose inside front cover.
- Book Arts Collection
- December 2023
- Scanned on PLUSTEKOptickbook A300 at 600 dpi, no color correction by PD. Most images straightened after scanning, when cropped and resized for Vault. In various places throughout, the ribbon used for binding is visible in the inner margins. Metadata by KD.
- Rights
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original. This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.