Scrapbook 12
Consists of clippings; including illustrations; from newspapers and journals relating to gender identity. Clippings may or may not contain source information. Identifiable sources include Daily Mail; Evening Standard; Sunday Mirror; The Sun; Cosmopolitan; Woman’s World; The Guardian; Radio Times; Evening News; Woman’s Realm; and Daily Express. The scrapbook is hand-numbered 13 on upper right corner of cover.
- In Collection:
- 44 pages
- "With a bit of luck ... we're back on November 27"; "Harrods have more for men"; "Cuttings book"
- 51.50853, -0.12574; 52.48142, -1.89983
- Includes inserts, a greeting card. and "A night with Dame Edna" (12 pages).
- Transgender Scrapbooks
- Donated by Richard Ekins.
- University of Victoria Chair in Transgender Studies
- University of Victoria Transgender Archives
- 2014-020.8.12
- Finding aid for archival fonds:
- September 1, 2017
- Scanned using TTI BetterLight at 600dpi tiffs. Scanning, editing performed by CDeWolfe. No colour correction or image size editing. Archived on Library server.
- Rights
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests ( This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.