C. Luthy letter, 20 September 1922
Letter to Hudec handwritten on C. Luthy, S.I.A., Consulting Engineer (Civil Engineering) letterhead. Letter written in German, dated 20 Sept. 1922, and signed C. Luthy.
- In Collection:
- 1 looseleaf
- House on 17 Lucerne Road, Shanghai; Office correspondence, 1922-1925
- László Hudec Collection
- 1.3.2
- Hudec, László, 1893-1958
- Scanned and edited by CDW, metadata by GF.
- Rights
- This material is made available on this site for research and private study only. Contact UVic Special Collections for access to the original. Permission to reproduce for purposes other than research and private study requires permission of the copyright holder. Please contact UVic Special Collections for more information on permissions and licensing fees.