Abbey Theatre tray cloth

Probably produced for the Abbey theatre's second American tour in 1913. The individual cast pictures are by Jack Butler Yeats. Text at bottom is a quote by Michael Cooney. Text beneath group picture is the last five lines from a poem by W. B. Yeats titled 'To a Wealthy Man who Promised a Second Subscription to the Dublin Municipal Gallery if it were Proved the People Wanted Pictures' (1912). "Tray cloth sold by the Abbey Theatre in support of the Hugh Lane fund, showing the cast of Bernard Shaw's The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet. When the censor prohibited its' production in England, the premiere performance was given by the Abbey Theatre in 1909, directed by Lady Gregory." -- donor's note on back of picture. Full cast picture at top from left to right: Brinsley Macnamara; ? ; Maire O'Neill; J. A. O'Rourke; Padraic Colum; Una O'Connor; ? ; Sydney J. Morgan; Kathleen Drago; Sara Allgood; Eithne Magee; Udolphus Wright; Fred O'Donovan; J. M. Kerrigan. Individual cast pictures: 1st row, left to right: ? ; Sara Allgood; Eithne Magee; Sydney Morgan. 2nd row, left to right: J. A. O'Rourke; J. M. Kerrigan; U. Wright; Fred O'Donovan.

In Collection:
Contributor Subject Publisher Language Identifier
  • Call Number: PN2602 D82A1S65
Date created Resource type Rights statement Extent
  • 1 tray cloth ; 46 x 49 cm
Alternative title
  • Sold by the Irish players at $1.00 towards a building to save Sir Hugh Lane's great gift of pictures to Ireland April 1913 [picture]
Geographic Coverage Coordinates
  • 53, -8
Additional physical characteristics
  • Enclosed in a wooden frame with glass. Printed on linen textile in black and white. Reproductions of signatures of W. B. Yeats and Lady Gregory. Shows full cast and features larger sketches of 8, all but one with names.
Physical Repository Collection
  • 19th Century Manuscripts Collection
  • Gift of Ann Saddlemyer.
Provider Genre Date digitized
  • 2010
  • Tray Cloth sold by the Abbey Theatre in support of the Hugh Lane fund, showing the 1913 cast of Bernard Shaw's The Shewing-Up of Blanco Posnet.When the censor prohibited its production in England, the premiere performance was given by the Abbey Theatre in 1909, directed by Lady Gregory.Mr. Denis Johnston has identified the fellow actors, left to right: Brinsley MacNamara, ? , Maire O'Neill, J.A. O'Rourke, Padraic Colum , Una O'Connor, ? , Sydney J. Morgan, Kathleen Drago, Sara Allgood, Eithne Magee,Dossie (Udolphus) Wright, Fred O'Donovan, J.M. Kerrigan
Technical note
  • Canon 30D zoom lens 17-40mm by KM/CDW. Metadata by GF and KD.
  • Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.