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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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File Size: 1134024
Filename: 8284_img_126.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:47:44.351Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Ochotona minimus [underlined]. Good spec. [specimen] in winter pelage Fore + hind feet creamy white, underparts dirty white. No brown on abd. [abdomen] or sides. Ochraceaus patch on sides of neck. Back color almost clay-color dominated by black so as to be almost fuscous. Top of head dark grizzled gray. h.f. [hind foot] 27.5, Gr Cran L. [Greatest Cranium length] 42; Zyg. w. [Zygomatic width] 21.5; interorb [interorbital] 6; mastoid 20.5; nasal l. [length] 13.2, upper molar 8.1, small bone on mid line between nasals + frontals. There are in the collection 2 other hard specimens of brunnescens [underlined] from hear Hope. Ochotona princeps [underlined]. Almost identical with my specimen from yellowhead pass. Winter pelage in spring; ochraceous + gray. h.f. [hind foot] 27.5 Only Rostrum + tooth rows. Interorbital w. [width] 5; nasal l. [length] 12.2, upper tooth row 7.6. Spent a fascinating 2 hours at the Royal Academy of Art Dutch Masters Exhibition. Dec [December] 6. Camberly. After a morning at the museum I groped my way through the fog to the station + came out here. London is practically shut down. Brian [Mackenzie] met me in the village + we went to the house where I met Eileen [Mackenzie] + 2 daughters Fiona + Susan. Dec [December] 7. Camberley. Went to the Sandringham Chapel with Brian [Mackenzie] for a most impressive + moving service. What a pleasure to sing by mus [music] pitched for the male voice. About 900 cadets were there + 2 or 3 hundred other congregation. Choir 6 boys and about the same number of men. The clear white marble interior
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