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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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Filename: 8300_img_142.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:54:30.797Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Cayley, N.W. [Neville William] 1938. Australian Parrots, their habits in field + aviary. Angus + Robertson, Ltd [Limited] Salim, Ali. 1948. Indian Hill Birds. Oxford Univ. [University] Press. Gray. G.R. [George Robert] 1844-49. The Genera of Birds. 3 vols. [volumes] Folio, Col. Pls. Marquess of Tavistock 1929. Parrots + Parrot-like birds in Aviculture [John Charles] Phillips, 1922-26. A Natural History of the Duck Tribe. 4 vols. [volumes] Jackson, F.J. [Sir Frederick John], 1926. Notes on the Game Birds of Kenya, Uganda. Michael Graham The Fish Gut. Check list of the birds of G.B. [Great Britain] + Ireland. HF. [Harry Forbes] Witherby Ltd [Limited] 5 Warwick Court London 7/6. W [West] C1 Hulten, E. [Eric] 1937 Outline of the history of Arctic and boreal biota during the quaternary period. Stockholm. Bokforlags Aktiebolaget, Thule Taylor, Geo.M. [George] The Little Garden - Collins.
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