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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
Width: 657
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File Size: 1139272
Filename: 8285_img_127.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:47:47.467Z
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Creator Transcript
  • white multi domed ceilings; natural oak panelling + pews are very attractive. The entire service left me with the satisfaction of a warm, sincere religious experience. The sermon a thoughtful treatment of the concept of pergatory as opposed to the immediate black or white decision for the hereafter. After the service we visited the Indian Army museum. In the afternoon Col. [Colonel] + Mrs Stevens came in. He is formerly of Victoria. His niece Joan Stevens is a poultry [illegible word] grad of U.B.C. [University of British Columbia] + has been working at Surrey. for the Co op [cooperative] I gather. Dec. [December] 8 Oxford. Came into London this morning + did some more work at the Museum then visited the Nature Conservancy at 91 Victoria Str. [Street]. Had a short chat with Dr Morris about his program. He has a 5 year plan of basic ecological research laid out to cover the moors, forests + coastal plane of his research area in northern England. My guess would be that his program is too ambitious even though he will have good assistants. At 5:14 caught the train for Oxford where I arrived at 8 about 1 hour late. John + Norma Tener met me at the station + we proceeded to have a good chat. John [Tener] tells me that Harry Webster has replaced Denny Soper [?] at Edmonton.
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