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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
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Filename: 8173_img_015.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:44:22.726Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 13 Young are fed by regurgitation. All the nests I could seen into (12) had young of about the same age. However I saw one bird excavating a nest cavity + another pair actively courting while a third sought to intrude. I was interested to watch one bird for almost half an hour as it picked up grit + ripped off greenery from the short, mat-forming plants on a cliff ledge. St [Saint] Cyrus July 28. Today I took the bus from St [Saint] Cyrus to Aberdeen, 5/ [shillings] return + visited V.C. Wynn-Edwards [Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards] at the University. The university is built as a hollow square with entrance from a main thoroughfare by a fine archway. At the far end of the quad rises the square granite tower that is architecturally most pleasing. In contrast I found the main facade far to [too] ornate. This is supposed to be the largest all granite building in Britain + was completed as recently as 1905 though begun in the 1600's. The Assembly hall is a most impressive room with a magnificent stained glass window filling almost the entire eastern end opposite the entrance. The dept [department] of zoology has a teaching staff of ten for a total enrollment, in all courses, of about 200. The things I found most to
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