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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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File Size: 1220330
Filename: 8199_img_041.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:51:28.138Z
Original Checksum: 660f8c2528a8a79fd01336232716232d
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Creator Transcript
  • a superlative job The last item was a display of 4 groups of Scottish [illegible words overlaid] of arms representing the regimented dress of 1900, 1914, 1940 + 1952 marched on + took up a star shaped figure. After a march routine to the band music they took positions at the extreme east end facing the reviewing stands + the rest of the units came on again one by one, the last was the R.A.F. [Royal Air Force] again + they went straight through the whole lot from end to end reversed + went back in most dramatic slow march. The bands played Land of Hope + Glory - the lights shifted to the highest castle tower where 2 pipers, dwarfed by their setting, played a retreat. The atonal anthems of Holland France + Britain followed + the 100 pipers wound up the display in fine style. It was a great display with masterly staging. The lighting, timing + setting couldn't be improved. Sept [September] 8/52 [1952]. Edinburgh On Saturday Garry [Cowan] + I left here with [A.G.S.] Bryson, Dacker, + Prof. [Professor Matthew] Mikeljohn [Meiklejohn] from Glasgow went out to the Isle of May for the weekend. [A.G.S.] Bryson drove Dacker, Garry [Cowan] + I to Pittenweem where we met the boat - a fish boat named "Olive"
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