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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
Width: 636
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File Size: 985132
Filename: 8180_img_022.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:44:50.478Z
Original Checksum: ef3dcdedde6c84c3b22d396ae1c12e9f
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Creator Transcript
  • got into the attractive small village of Thornhill about 4 o'clock + half an hour later left by another bus for the 6 miles to Tynron. Alice met us at the bus + we walked the few hundred yards to the manse. Tynron descrip. [description] [underlined] Tynron is a very ancient village of perhaps 20 cottages + a church. There has been a church on the same site since about the year 700 though it has been rebuilt several items. In the country adjacent are several very beautiful homes in nice grounds now operating as the focal points of prosperous farms. Ayrshire cattle + Galloways are almost the only breeds seen while the lowland sheep seem to be Cheviots in the main with black face in the hills. Hay + grain are the main crops. Jack greeted us most cheerfully + our visit started out in good form. The Manse is an old place, obviously added to on several occassions [occasions]. There are the usual scattering of outbuildings + the Ecclesiastical privacy is assured by a 10 ft [foot] stone wall around the garden. The house is the darndest mess I have ever seen. Joyce + I are apalled [appalled] to find people of the background of these two
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