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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
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Filename: 8184_img_026.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:44:58.413Z
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Creator Transcript
  • Pheasants [underlined]. Dumfrieshire run as high as 500 birds shot on 1000 acres. This in the open oak woods. Here the pheasants are birds of scrub + open deciduous woods only feeding into the meadows + fields + seldom nesting there. Significantly I have seen no clover hay grown. All hay is grass + it will not tempt pheasant nesting. The other crops are potatos [potatoes], turnips + grain none of them predsposing [predisposing] the birds to mowing loss. Red grouse [underlined] Red grouse reach 200 brace on 600 acres harvested during the best years Aug [August] 16 Tynron. Left at 10 this morning with [Arthur] Duncan + on the way picked up Donald Watson the bird artist + his brother Eric Watson, a lecturer in Botany at Reading University. We proceeded to the end of the road south of Merrick + spent a grand day climbing it + Bengellary. Our route lay first up Bengellary by way of the Fell of Eschonachan [Eschoncan] to the summit at 2360 where we stopped for lunch, then on to Merrick at 2764. From there we went down Gloon Burn + Buchan Burn over the Rig of Enoch + to the shores of Loch Enoch which I photographed. Further on we passed murder Hale on Loch Neldricken + so down Gairland Burn to
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