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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
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Filename: 8205_img_047.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:45:41.320Z
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Creator Transcript
  • are distinctive? Here prescribed course work is the rule unlike the situation in England. In 3rd [third] year 3 afternoons + in 4th [fourth] year 4 afternoons are devoted to zoology. Course exams are held + if a man does very well in them he can be excused the later degree exams which are held annually. Honours students at Edinburgh have to take a course at a marine station in either 3rd [third] or 4th [fourth] years. I find a growing opinion among the zoologists that the "humanities" background is a dead duck + no longer productive of the type of men needed. On the other hand it was remarked that the end result of British vs [versus] American advanced Education was much the same as regards quality of product. Sept [September] 13/52 [1952]. Edinburgh. Lunched today with Mr Bowles, Secretary-Director of the Edinburgh Zoo + then had a most instructive tour of the zoo with him. They cannot keep beavers here, they get an enteritis + die. Their kangaroos all get actinomycosis sooner or later, except Bennetts Wallaby from Tasmania. Most other things do well enough. The penguin colony is their crowning achievement They have bred ringed (once - 1952), macaroni, gentoo Marginalia: Scottish Univ. [University] Organization
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