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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
Width: 636
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 1033392
Filename: 8170_img_012.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-08T21:14:33.363Z
Original Checksum: 8b099f307e089d43fa5b0f14beed17e0
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • 10 July 26 This morning we were up bright and early + caught the train for St [Saint] Cyrus at 8:30. The trip was most pleasant + we arrived in Montrose in brilliant sunshine + took taxi to Dors. We are now settled into digs scattered all over the place. Garry [Cowan] bed + breakfasting at Dors. Ann [Cowan] in a downstairs room at Mrs Stewarts + Joyce [Cowan] + I similarly upstairs. Judge Mervin [?] Yates is staying with Dor just now, an aged rather scruffy character who was once a considerable athlete + occupied various important judicial posts including A.G. [Attorney General] of Bahamas. Now resembles a hybrid pekinese X tawny owl + does little but walk from a barrel of Perry cider to his easy chair. His sister calls him "barrel" most appropriate He has a good wit + is quite entertaining. Met the younger brother Gervais Yates who lives in Greenwells [word crossed out] Wellsgreen, down the road from Rosefield, Dor's place. The Gervais Yates - Mrs + son Kit + daughter [illegible name] were delightful. Full of life, knowledgeable + entertaining. He has a first class garden both of flowers + fruit. I was particularly struck with a large very dark blue Polemonium - an annual he thinks also by an amazing hedge plant that he calls Lonicera nitida [underlined]. It doesn't look like a Lonicera [underlined] to me - much more like a box. But whatever
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