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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
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File Size: 1194092
Filename: 8282_img_124.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:47:41.242Z
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Creator Transcript
  • outstrip the facts. Admitting, of course, that Toynbee is in a different mental stratum altogether. Had another session with [Terence] Morrison-Scott [Scot] + find that he has a better head on his shoulders than I first thought. He is not unacquainted with the quantitative approach in systematics but states that anything that he can see is different can be proved different, whereas if it doesn't look diff. [different] it probably isn't. A pretty fatuous argument. Frankly I think the failure here to contribute at a modern level arises out of the nature of their collection. It is piecy [piecey] + for the most part has not arisen from the work of trained collectors collecting for the purpose of detailed study. Good series are very scarce. In the vernacular they are missing the trees for the forest. leanings from the museum 1. Our see [sea] snake is Platurus colubrinus 2. Examined the following mammal types: Synaptomys borealis [underlined]. Looks quite normal Lemmus trimucronatus [underlined] " " Lemmus helvolus [underlined]. Label says Lat [Latitude] 56 [degree symbol]. Alpine runways Drummond. Only rostrum, tooth row + mandible of skull A typical pale juvenile spec. [specimen] in summer pelage. Neotoma cinerea drummondi [underlined] h.f [hind foot] 38. Rocky Mts [Mountains] 57 [degree symbol] Skull broken, specimen badly soiled + slipped. Color yellowish gray, no bluff tones anywhere. Perognathus lordii [underlined] 62-12-12-19. Taken at Similkameen B.C. [British Columbia]. This is very dark on the back, yellow with an abundance of black tipped hairs. Upper side of tail fuscous.
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