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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
Width: 657
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File Size: 1039902
Filename: 8225_img_067.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:46:09.619Z
Original Checksum: 2556324fb67a54c3f84d96abcc467708
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Creator Transcript
  • Kill is by hunters choice 60% bulls. because of trophy + more meat. A hunter shooting a moose must report to the govt. [government] + pay a head tax of 50 to 100 kr. [krone] depending on the extent of damage in the particular province. The head tax money all goes into a separate fund from which damage compensation is paid to farmers holding less than 30 hectares. No compensation for forest damage. Damage mostly to oats + other grain also root crops + mostly in summer. Prof. [Professor Gosta] Notini is prof [professor] of forest zoology, + teaches game mgt [management] + forest entomology etc [etcetera] to all forresters [foresters]. He is also in charge of all research + has been mainly concerned with control of rabbit damage + investigating the steady decline in Gallinaceous birds. All are now closed. The game dept [department] does not control fishing, + there are no fish wardens + only local provincial regulations mainly concerned with Salmon. There are no laws against trespass Roe are hunted Sept [September] 16 to Jan [January] 1 + are increasing very fast. Bears open 2 months about 30 shot per year
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