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Karen Dykes
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 847
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Filename: 8183_img_025.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T03:44:54.530Z
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  • skulker but flies from furze top to furze top. The Solway is also the great gathering ground for geese + duck through the winter. At some times many thousands of geese are here. The goosanders nest close by + bring their young to the estuary They then desert them + go off to Holland to moult. Game [underline] Shooting on the flats is open to all + anything classes as fair game. On the way back I discussed game bird management with [Arthur] Duncan who is president of the Scottish Nature Conservancy. He tells me that with partridge rain on the chicks seems to be fatal. According to him if the brood is too big to be covered by their two parents some of the chicks get pneumonia the rest are prone to catch it from them + most of the brood dies. From experience they limit the partridge clutches to 15 eggs. The nests are located by prior observation of the location of paired birds. He is of the opinion also that the introduction of new stock from central Europe was a mistake + served to lower the resistance of the resident birds. He thinks 30% nest predation is a minimum level that can be reached with good predator control. Pheasant yields in this part of Marginalia: Game, Partridge mgt. [management][underlined]
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