Transcript |
- [Centre:] IV
[Upper right annotation:] 7
march & pack we soon chill down & begin to
shiver in the cold night air. And then we might
go on again for a few hundred yards & halt
again, & so on several times & never know
why. And then we may leave the road &
go across-country & adopt a new formation
perhaps in columns of extended companies &
race along in the dark through hedges & fields
stumbling through cabbage & turnip plantations
or thro grain fields, destroying fields as large
as a homestead & getting wet to the waist.
And then a halt may come out & a "fallout
& rest" & for a couple of hours we lie huddled
& try to keep the cold out & manage to sleep
thro sheer weariness. And we wake up a
good deal refreshed & start on again, still in
the dark & take to extended formation, one line
behind the other & then when the postion is Taken
up we lie & wait, & dawn breaks & we find
ourselves on <del>the</del> a high ridge over looking an
extensive valley. On our right & on our left we
see strings of other battalions & presently we
see long lines almost indiscernable <del>coming</del>
emerging from the woods on the other side of the