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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 5890
Width: 4746
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Filename: 2484_1982-006_LTR_1915.10.23_006.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T17:20:32.350Z
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Creator Transcript
  • [Upper right annotation:] 6 the time he is tired & cold & hungry & it is hardship without romance, expecially when it is raining & he's wet through. The next day there was more marching & more fighting & somtimes orders were misunderstood & a general mix-up occured such as a neighbour battalion (or ours) going in the wrong <del>directiong</del> direction & getting in from of our fire with the result that we or they would be unable to fire on the enemy because we would be shooting our own men, & then there would come racing along a brigadier-general or staff major mounted <del>on</del> always on fine spirited horses, irritably balling-out the officer who made the mistake tho not always hitting on the one really to blame. Most mistakes happen by night when battalion Commanders sometimes take up wrong postions thro misreading their maps or mistaking roads or other features in the dark, and so it often happens that in our march we come to a sudden halt & stand in the road for a couple of hours, & not being given orders to fall out & sit on the side of the road we have to stand there not knowing why or for how long & being damp with perspiration from the
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