Transcript |
- 1 [top middle]
France Jany 9/16 [top right corner]
Dear Maurice & Mag & those at home [centered]
[start page]
[in pen]
We got 2 letters from you Pumps recently & were very
glad to get them as you may imagine. We were pleased
Sylvia got that affair with the Matron settled & hope She
will find something to suit her. We are glad to know that
poor dear Grandmamman is feeling better & more composed
I hope. I will try & find time to write a few words to
poor Uncle Louis before our rest is up & we return to the trenches.
We got "Punch" numbers and enjoyed them very much
passed them on to other chaps when we had done with
them, but until now were not aware of the fact that
Mrs. [Pondehenge?] was the kind sender. Please thank that good
lady when you see her.
We were pleased to get the copy of your long letter home
Maurice & glad above all to know that you & your dear
Maggie are well. I'm much surprised and pleased to see
that trade is so good especially fur during war time. I
suppose the only market is U.S.A. Who can afford to
buy it, because of the millions they are making out of
the War. - Curious & sad it is to think that some
nations are reaping a gain out of so hideous a thing
as War! Especially such a war as this! Of course I
don't blame them. I am not sorry either that fur
is good, tho' it may be on that account & sincerley
hope you make a jolly good winter out of it.
Jolly good, too, that the store trade has bucked up so
and that the Ranch prospects are good. I hope that [the?]
fur trial will come off in your favour & I will be
anxious to hear about it.
Your fur trips North were most successful & I think
too that out of Winter profits you can afford to give
your dear Maggie a mink fur, as you propose. No place
in the World could have been less connected with politics
or anything that leads to wars & so I think it is only
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