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- 50 Mahasiddha Viru pa
16th century
copper with silver inlay, ht. 20.3 cm Gift of Max Tanenbaum, Toronto, 1980 NGC 26710
Virupa, born in eastern India, was a devotee of Vajravarahi and is noted for his supernatural powers. For example, it is said that he once stopped the movement of the sun when refused a drink. Virupa is regarded as the guru of the Sakyapa sect.
He is represented here as a plump yogi seated on a deerskin spread on top of a lotus base, with his right hand displaying the gesture of argument and his left hand holding a skull cup. His torso is adorned with a crossbelt of beads with a floral clasp. A meditation-cord is bound around his waist and knee, to facilitate the yoga-posture. He wears large earrings, a crown made of flowers, and a garland of flowers signifying fearlessness. His face is marked by intense eyes, a narrow rolled beard, a goatee and a moustache.
51 Kunga Zangpo
15th/16th century
brass, copper, silver, ht. 21 cm Gift of Max Tanenbaum, 1980, Toronto NGC 26718
The monk depicted in this handsome statue can be identified as Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo. In his hands, which display the preaching mudra, he holds two lotus flowers supporting his two attributes: the vajra and the bell at shoulder level. The bell and vajra emphasize the highest comprehension of the twin- unity of Contrast. Kunga Zangpo, who lived from 1382 until 1457, was the founder of the Ngor sect, a subsect of the Sakyapas, and abbot of the Ngor monastery, which became a famous centre for the painting of thankas. He invited foreign (Nepalese) artists to decorate his monastery.
This bronze statue is executed with great detail and the patterns of the garment are extremely well- delineated. The headdress of the monk differs slightly from that of the monks of the Yellow Hat sect, by missing the pointed shape on the forehead. There is a long inscription on the base below the lotus seat.
Lama (left)
16th/17th century brass, gilt, ht. 11.4 cm Brian S. McElney Collection Lama (right)
17th century
brass, gilt, ht. 12 cm
Brian S. McElney Collection
Giving the �earth for witness� mudra, these two lamas seated in the vajra asana pose on lotus thrones show well-modelled facial features and costume design. Thefigureon theleftcould possibly be Buston Rinpoche. The right figure, with a small vajra in front and a base sealed with cross vajras,
might be the Sakya Lama, Nasa Tragpupa. Without inscriptions, these statues, as well as some of the following ones, are difficult to identify with particular personages.
Lama (left)
18th century brass, gilt, ht. 9.6 cm Brian S. McElney Collection Lama (right)
17th century
brass, gilt, ht. 9.8 cm
Brian S. McElney Collection
The monk to the left wearing an unusual conical�shaped cap, sits on an antelope skin placed on a rectangular plinth. His right hand displays the gesture of argument (vitarka).
The monk to the right wearing a crown-like cap, also sits on a rectangular plinth but with his right hand in the �earth for witness� mudra. The fabric design of his elaborate costume has been well captured. This monk appears to be of the Kagyupa sect and might be Rangjung Dorje.
Sakya Lama (left)
17th century brass, gilt, ht. 10.2 cm Brian S. McElney Collection Tsong Khapa (right)
17th/18th century brass, gilt, ht. 11 cm Brian S. McElney Collection
Both lamas are seated in the vajrasana pose on lotus thrones displaying the gesture of teaching with both hands. The unusual statue on the left with the round base, has elaborate fabric designs on the costume. This statue might represent the Sakya Lama, Sonam Gyantsen. The handsome statue to the right depicts Tsong Khapa wearing the customary pointed cap of the Yellow Hat sect. His usual symbols�the book and sword on lotus flowers at his shoulders, are missing.
55 Tsong Khapa 19th century brass, ht. 10 cm ROM 910.204.2
This statue of Tsong Khapa, the founder of the Gelukpa sect, is much cruder in execution than the preceding statue of Tsong Khapa. It, too, is missing its usual book and sword attributes.
56 Lama
18th century
brass, gilt, ht. 25.1 cm ROM 918.21.958
This statue depicts a high-ranking lama wearing a meditation-hat of scholars (Panchen sGam-Zhva)