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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
Height: 7890
Width: 5070
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 120007140
Filename: 86_ccbav_1_4_4_03_010.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T20:28:25.131Z
Original Checksum: 6916166af29f608d2288953f17ab0c2b
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • Sirs, I have the honour to enclose for the information of the honourable the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Chinese question a series of statistics relating to the Chinese tradesmen and commerce in British Columbia. I also submit for your consideration a few remarks which I hope may be as [not readable] as I trust they may be instrumental in removing the unjust pro- [not readable] by certain persons against the Chinese domiciled in this Province. The Chinese Merchants and Labourers are chiefly composed of the natives of the various villages of Canton, they depart from [not readable] direct for British Columbia or via San Francisco paying as passage and outfit about $70 per head. The charge brought against the Chinese immigrants who arrive in British Columbia that then are bought and sold as slaves is not authentic. No Chinaman is permitted to leave China unless he does so voluntarily. The Chinese are employed and hired in the same way that the Englishman, American, Frenchmen or German is employed and hired. There is no such thing as slavery in China and never has been as far as I know. It will be found upon inquiry that the p[not readable] of Chinese in this province is not only not an injury but a positive benefit in that they have cheapened labour and the products of labour and it is a fact well known in Manufacturers Merchants and others that many industries
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