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Dean Seeman
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  • Favreau, Hon, Guy. "Canadianism: No Discrimination." Chinatown News. Vol. 11, no. 3, Oct. 3, 1963, pp. 4, 5, 14-16. Delivered at a conference of 75 Chinese Organizations in B.C. Commends some outstanding Chinese Canadians for their achievements, and pledges to "weed out discrimination and prejudice" in immigration matters. Fewster, Lysle. Lengthening Shadows. New York, Pageant Press, 1957, ) (SBC-Main) PR9270 E79 L4 A novel on how some Chinese immigrants in Saskatchewan overcame the problem of discrimination, with a little help and understanding from their Caucasian friends. Clearly written with a Christian message. Although written in good-will towards the Chinese, the writer's understanding of the problems confronting the Chinese immigrant is shallow, and her attitude is at times, patronizing. Francis, R.A. "Chinese Canadians: 'Closed Door' Policy?" Sat. Night. Vol. 66, June 9, 1951, p. 10. An article featuring Foon Sien Wong on the topics of discrimination, employment, and social life of the Chinese Canadians. "He fought School Segregation." Chinatown News. Vol. 7, no, 20, July 3, 1960, pp. 8-9. Story of Bang Lim's fight against school segregation in Victoria in 1907. Henry, Frances, The Dynamics of Racism in Toronto. Toronto, 1978. A report based on a questionaire survey. One of the concepts investigated is how the white Torontonians' explains the cognitive and affective dimensions of racism, and the social and psychological correlates of racism. Ho, Betty, "Real Meds Issue is Racism," Chinatown News. Vol, 22, no. 9, Jan, 1975. The article reveals racist admission policy in medical school.
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