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Dean Seeman
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Filename: 136_Bib_Chinese-Canadian1979_007.tif
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  • Lee, W. M, "Do you have the Canadian Experience?" The Asianadian. Vol. 1, no. 4, p. 15. An excerpt from a larger study of the Chinese workers* movement in Canada, The article is a good case study of labour history in the last half of the nineteenth century. Lyman, Stanford S, The Oriental in North America, Vancouver, UBC, 1962. (VPL) NW301.45 A21y A series of lectures. Goes into Chinese immigration in North America, the anti-Chinese movement and the social organization of the Chinese, The differences between the Chinese and Japanese settlers and the position of both groups after WWII are also covered. Ma, Ch'ng, I min Chia-na-ta pi tu. Hong Kong, Camel Publisher, 1977. (UBC-Asian Studies) FC106 C5 M34 1977 A book on the history of the Chinese in Canada, based on archival studies and other books and articles. Written for the Chinese would-be immigrant, (written in Chinese) Wong, Foon Sien, "Under Canadian Skies," Chinatown News. Vol. 3, no. 22, July 1956. Discusses the gradual changes of Chinese political representation in Canadian government. Wu, S. Y, One Hundred Years of Chinese in the U,S. and Canada. 1954. (UBC-Asian Studies) E184 C5 W79 Sight chapters discussing the early history of Chinese in Canada. The attitude and policy of Canada towards the Chinese is also included, with a discussion of their social and political situation in the interwar years.
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