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- "Chinese Freemasons." (VCA) newsclipping: Chinese Freemasons
Newspaper clippings on the Chinese Freemason's activities. Photos included are representatives of the Association from 10 different countries.
"Churches: Chinese Anglican Church." (VCA) newsclipping: Churches-Chinese Anglican Church
A brief account of the current activities of the Chinese Anglican missionary in Vancouver.
"Churches: Church of the Good Shephard." (VCA) newsclipping: Churches-Church of the Good Shepard
Introduces the early history and deeds of an Anglican Church which is located in Vancouver's Chinatown.
Erickson, B. H. Prestige, Power and the Chinese. UBC MA Thesis, Vancouver, 1964. (UBC-Sp. Col.) LE3 B7 1966 A8 E7
A study of prestige, power and ideology in the Vancouver Chinese Community. Several hypotheses are set out and examined on the basis of interviews with 35 officers of Chinese Associations.
Fan, H. "Vancouver Chinatown's Outstanding Landmark." Chinatown News. Vol. 25, no. 13, Mar. 18, 1978, p. 7.
On the comDletion of the new Villa Cathay care home.
"The Girl who didn't Wed." Chinatown News. Vol. 5, no. 11, Feb. 1958.
The CBA was asked to resolve a marriage problem.
Glick, Carl and Sheng-hwa, Kong, Swords of Silence: Chinese Secret Societies Past and Present. New York, McGraw-Hill Co., 1947. (UBC-Main) HS81 G4